LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL LINES REFERENCE NO.: PC/1998/2/2 TITLE: REQUEST AND RECEIPT OF PLANT CELL LINES INTRODUCTION The general collection of plant cells is continually expanded by the process of accessioning new plant cell lines as far as possible depending on the actual financial and staff resources. This is usually in response to the application of a depositor or by request of the collection. This document describes the formal procedure of requesting and receiving a culture. PROCEDURE 1.1. Following application by a potential depositor or screening of the relevant scientific literature or databases by the collection staff potential new plant cell lines are identified for inclusion into the General Collection. Plant cell lines can be accepted only if they correspond to the accession criteria of the collection (PC/1998/2/2.1) and the risk and safety group the collection is allowed to handle according to national regulations (see PC/1998/1/5) 1.2. A standard letter (PC/1998/2/2 Appendix 1) together with a blank accession form (PC/1998/2/2.2) is send to the potential depositor asking for inclusion of the plant cell line into the public collection. The depositor is requested to return the completed accession form to the collection ca. 4 weeks before the dispatch of the cultures. 1.3. On arrival of the accession form: 1.3.1. Details (depositor, scientific name, cell line designation) are recorded into the Day Book (PC/1998/2/2.3) 1.3.2. The responsible scientist decides whether the culture conditions and/or the cryopreservation procedures can be technically realized at DSMZ. If this is the case, it is acknowledged that the accession form has been received and the arrival of the culture is expected (Standard Letter (PC/1998/2/2 Appendix 2). If not the depositor is informed and asked to fill alternative methods in another accession form (Standard Letter (PC/1998/2/2 Appendix 3). If the alternative culture conditions or cryopreservation technique can be realized but is not acceptable for any reason for DSMZ the depositor is informed (Standard Letter PC/1998/2/2 Appendix 4). 1.4. On arrival of the culture: 1.4.1. The date of arrival and data of the culture are added to the entry data taken from the accession form in the Day Book (PC/1998/2/2.3). 1.4.2. An accession number is given to the plant cell line (PC/1998/2/2.4.). 1.4.3. The culture is forwarded to the responsible scientist and stored as appropriate. 1.4.4. A suspension file carrying the accession number is generated by the responsible scientist. It contains all strain documents, all the correspondence from and to the depositor and any other relevant information. 1.4.5. A standard letter (PC/1998/2/2 Appendix 5) is send to the depositor to acknowledge receipt of the plant cell culture. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
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