LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL LINES Appendix PC/1998/2/2 Appendix 4 <Sender> To <Receiver>
Pccx.Byy 144 DD.MM.YYYY
Dear Madam/Sir Hereby we acknowledge the receipt of the accession form <Accession form number> for the deposit of the cell line: <name and designation>. .Unfortunately we have to inform you that the realization of the culture conditions given in the accession form is not acceptable for us at the moment for practical reasons. We would appreciate if you could inform us whether the cell line can also be maintained under CABRI standard conditions listed in the accession form. You may do this by sending us an additional accession form enclosed in this letter. Please inform us as well if there are no alternative methods. In this case we apologize for not being able to accept your cell line for inclusion into our collection.
With kind regards Yours Sincerely
<Name of responsible> <Name of Institute> Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
© The CABRI Consortium 1999 -