LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR ANIMAL & HUMAN CELL LINES REFERENCE NO: AHC/1998/3/3 TITLE: QUALITY CONTROLS Contamination of cell cultures can lead to an array of problems, many of which can be underestimated. The damage caused to cell lines in culture by bacteria and fungi contamination is widely recognised and normally easy to see. In contract the effects of mycoplasma can be wide ranging and less obvious including: a reduction in growth rate, induction of morphological changes, chromosomal aberrations altering cell metabolism and loss of cell recovery following cryopreservation. All the cell lines proposed by CABRI are tested to verify freedom from contamination by mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, fungi and virus. In addition, the cell lines undergone tests to confirm species of origin and tests for individual identification. FLOW DIAGRAM GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ON MYCOPLASMA
Minimum QC requirements ( A) Preliminary ScreenViability Check
Acceptance criteria: > 2 x 106 cells/vial, > 80% viability, vigorous cell growth Microbial QC
- Hoechst stain/DAPI stain, - Isolation by culture
Acceptance criteria - all tests negative (B) Full QC and Authentication Screen Master cell banks Viability Check
Acceptance criteria - > 2 x 106 cells/vial, > 80% viability, vigorous cell growth Microbial QC
- Hoechst stain/DAPI stain, AHC/1998/3/3.2/2.1
- Isolation by culture, AHC/1998/3/3.3/2.1 Acceptance criteria - all tests negative Authentication Testing
Acceptance criteria - species confirmed as correct Additional testing is carried out at individual centres as indicated below. Authentication Assays
Microbial QC
Virus Screening
(C) Full QC and Authentication Screen Distribution cell banks Viability Check
- vital dye exclusion (trypan blue), Acceptance criteria - > 2 x 106 cells/vial, > 80% viability, vigorous cell growth Microbial QC
- Hoechst stain/DAPI stain: AHC/1998/3/3.2/2.1 - Isolation by culture
- Isolation by culture: Acceptance criteria - all tests negative Additional testing is carried out at individual centres as indicated below. Authentication Assays
Microbial QC
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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