CABRI Guidelines for Catalogue Production
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by BCCM, CBS, CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, HGMP, INRC, MSDN
Bacteria and archaea format and reference list: Status Information taken from: Status T = type strain or type speciesNT = neotype PVRS = pathovar reference strain Since 1980 only type strains and neotype strains have status in nomenclature. Use of the rems pathotype (PTT), lectotype (LT), paratype (PT) and authentic strain (AUT) is not recommended. OR (original strain) and REFS (reference strain for infrasubspecific taxa) also have no status Status either refers to the name mentioned in the NAME fields, and then only one of the above abbreviations is given, or it refers to another taxon, then the name of that taxon with author(s) (no comma!) is given, preceded by "of". Examples: [in Acetobacter pasteurianus LMD 51.1] T of Acetobacter pasteurianus ssp. Ascendens (Henneberg 1898) De Ley and Frateur 1974 AL | |||
This work cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the CABRI consortium. Site maintained by Paolo Romano. Last revised: February 2023. |