CABRI Guidelines for Catalogue Production
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by BCCM, CBS, CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, HGMP, INRC, MSDN
Filamentous fungi and Yeasts format and reference list: Geographic origin Information taken from: Geographic origin (location of original material) Sequence: Country, state; local details A major delimiter ";" may separate subfields in such a way that only the first part is indexed and published in catalogues. Spelling of country names is English, other names according to national spelling ("Hannover, München, Lisboa, Warszawa, Moska"), Cyrillic names are transliterated according to ISO norm 833-1974. Examples: Neherlands; Baarn, Estate Groenveld, near ditch | |||
This work cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the CABRI consortium. Site maintained by Paolo Romano. Last revised: February 2023. |