LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL VIRUSES REFERENCE NO.: PVC/1998/2.02 TITLE: QUALITY CONTROL CHECK INTRODUCTION The virus infected plant material sent to the collection is subjected to electron microscopical examination. This includes a check for purity and a preliminary identification. Infectivity of the virus is tested by transmission to suitable host plants. PROCEDURE 1 Virus infected materials sent to the collection are tested for infectivity by transmission to propagation and indicator plants ( 2 Virus infected materials sent to the collection for propagation and subsequent deposit are subjected to electron microscopy to test for purity and for preliminary identification. A tentative group designation based on particle morphology can be made - with few exceptions - for members of most plant virus genera. The method is detailed in PVC/1998/2.02 Appendix 5.LIST OF GLASSHOUSE AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES PVC/1998/2.02 Appendix 2 Mechanical transmission PVC/1998/2.02 Appendix 3 Grafting of material to healthy host plants PVC/1998/2.02 Appendix 4 Transmission of virus by insect vectors PVC/1998/2.02 Appendix 5 Electron microscopy - Leaf dip assayGuidelines prepared for CABBI by DSMZ, 3 Feb. 1998
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