LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL VIRUSES REFERENCE NO.: PVC/1998/2.01 TITLE: STORAGE OF THE ORIGINAL VIRUS INFECTED PLANT MATERIALS INTRODUCTION Original virus infected plant materials sent to the collection are preserved until the process of authentication is finalised and virus infections are established on appropriate host plants. PROCEDURE Upon receipt, plant material infected with a known, tentatively characterised or undescribed virus will be divided in two samples, one for subsequent virus work and a second sample providing backup and being conserved as original plant material. For conservation of original plant materials, a tentative data sheet is opened, stating sender, date of receipt, plant name and type of material (fresh/dried, leaves/stem cuttings/rootstocks) and putative virus present. Original material will be kept in liquid nitrogen ( - material is virus positive but can not be transmitted to alternative host plants - occurrence of other viruses in original sample that were probably not transmitted is indicated.
Original sample will be destroyed if authentication process was positive. After finalisation of the authentication, the tentative data entry is converted into an ordinary database entry and all necessary data describing the particular virus are entered. Guidelines prepared for CARBI by DSMZ, 3 Feb. 1998
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