LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL VIRUSES REFERENCE NO.: PVC/1998/1.05 TITLE: ISSUE, CONTROL, AND UPDATING OF LABORATORY PROCEDURES Introduction All procedures carried out concerning plant viruses and collection work should have a formal protocol available for reference purposes. The methods described in the laboratory documents give a procedural outline which should be adhered to taking the specific requirements of each virus specimen under consideration. Issue and Control of Laboratory procedures 1 All methods should be written down clearly and concisely giving easy to follow stepwise instructions. 2 Procedures should then be passed to the person responsible for the control of LABORATORY PROCEDURES 3 After the procedure has been accepted the PRCLP will assign a unique identification number to the procedure (e.g. PVC/1998/08/3.02). This number reflects the section (PVC/ for Plant Virus Collection), year and month of preparation (YYYY/MM/), the part of the guidelines (1. to 4.) and a procedure number (00 to 99). 4 After drafting a procedure it should be passed to the head of the collection or to a person designated by the head for signature. 5 A list of recipients of signed procedures and document locations is retained by the PRCLP. 6 All procedures concerning a laboratory should be placed in clearly identified files which also contain an inventory of all procedures. The files should be available in that laboratory. 7 All procedures of the collection and an inventory of all procedures is to be found in the collection office and is stored in a computer file. 8 Proposals to amend a procedure should be forwarded to the PRCLP and must be authorised by the head of the collection or by a person designated by the head. Updating of laboratory procedures 1 On a two years basis the PRCLP will pass copies of procedures to the head of appropriate laboratories for review by staff in their laboratory. 2 Amendments will be approved by the PRCLP. Revised copies will be produced as before (step 4 above), signed and issued. Earlier copies are made invalid but are kept for a further period of 5 years. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 3 Feb. 1998
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