LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL LINES REFERENCE NO.: PC/1998/3/3.1 TITLE: CRITERIA FOR THE CULTURE TRANSFER TO FRESH MEDIUM OUT OF THE ROUTINE TIME SCHEDULE INTRODUCTION All cell lines are transferred to fresh medium at least every four weeks. Cell lines transferred to fresh medium more often are marked specifically. Nevertheless every morning a quick routine check is performed to find cultures that have to be transferred immediately to fresh medium. To sort out cultures which need an immediate transfer the following criteria should be regarded: PROCEDURE 1. Cultures should be transferred to fresh medium if the callus fills almost all the space in the petri dish. 2. Cultures should be transferred to fresh medium if the callus shows browning on top of the callus. 3. Cultures should be transferred to fresh medium if the callus shows browning at the edges of the callus. 4. Cultures should be transferred to fresh medium if the medium is coloured (because of substances, phenols or dyes, released by dead or living callus cells. 5. Cultures should be transferred to fresh medium if the callus shows an abnormal phenotype, colour, consistency or morphology concerning the data evaluated by the procedure PC/1998/3/1.1. 6. Cultures should be transferred to fresh medium if the callus does not show an increase of cell material since he has been transferred to fresh medium. 7. Cultures should be transferred to fresh medium if the medium shows severe signs of desiccation. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
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