LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL LINES Appendix PC/1998/3/1 Appendix 2 Standard Letter: Rejection of Cell Line <Sender>
To <Receiver>
Dear Madame/Sir
On the <date> we received the plant cell line <name and designation> from your laboratory for deposit in the plant cell culture collection. Since no long term preservation method is presently available for the cell line it would have to be maintained in the living state at the collection centre.Since we recently got the information that the maintenance of the cell line under conditions acceptable for CABRI is not possible we hereby inform you that we halted the accession procedure and discarded those samples of the cell line still maintained in our collection. We apologize for being not able to include your cell line in our collection and remain
With kind regards Yours Sincerely
<Name of responsible> Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
© The CABRI Consortium 1999 -