PC/1998/3/1 Appendix 1 Standard Letter: Cell Line Authentication under Suboptimum Growth Conditions
To <Receiver>
Dear Madam/Sir
On the <date> we received the plant cell line <name and designation> from your laboratory for deposit in the plant cell culture collection. Since no long term preservation method is presently available for the cell line, it has to be maintained in the living state at the collection centre.Unfortunately the culture conditions you gave for the cell line are too difficult to realize for technical reasons or too labour intensive for routine maintenance of the cell line in our collection. We therefore cultivated your cell line not only under the conditions you gave but also under CABRI standard conditions. A sample of such a culture is sent to you now. We would be grateful if you could decide whether the specific value of this culture is retained cultivated under our standard conditions and whether it is feasible to maintain the culture in our collection. If the cell line has lost its specific characteristics by the different culture conditions or if we can not get any further information, we have to apologize for being forced to halt the accession procedure and discard the culture. With kind regards Yours Sincerely
<Name of responsible> Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
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