TITLE: FORM FOR THE ACCESSION OF PLANT CELL CULTURES 1. PASSPORT DATA 1.1. CELL CULTURE NAME Botanical Name of Initial Plant: Strain Designation: 1.2. DEPOSITOR Name of Depositor: Institute: Department: Address: Phone number: Fax Number: Email: 1.3. TAXONOMIC NAME OF INITIAL PLANT Genus name: Author: Species name: Author: Subspecies name: Author: Variety name: Author: Cultivar name: Author: other designation Author: Synonymous names: (please use additional page if there is more than one synonymous name) 1.4. CELL CULTURE HISTORY: Former institutes and periods of maintenance: Origin of initial plant material: Reference (Seed or Herbarium Number): 1.5. CELL CULTURE INITIATION Material for culture initiation: Method for surface sterilization of initial plant material: In case of seeds: conditions for germination: Cell culture initiator: Date of sterilization: Date of first callus development: Date of culture establishment Medium of callus initiation: Method for the initiation of suspension culture: Applied selection procedure for culture initiation or maintenance: 2. DATA FOR CULTURE MAINTENANCE 2.1. GROWTH CONDITIONS Growth temperature: Light conditions: Rel. humidity: Other requirements: Growth medium: Composition of medium (use additional sheet if necessary): pH of medium and pH adjustment: Sterilization temperature: Sterilization time: Filter type for sterile filtration: 2.2. CULTURE HANDLING Growth vessel: Amount of Medium: Transfer Period: Transfer method (incl. amount of inoculum in case of suspension cultures): Shaking (rpm): Selection method applied for cell culture maintenance: Method for Growth Measurement: Method for Viability Measurement: Remarks (any remarkable procedure for the medium preparation like: preparation of special stock solutions etc. or for the handling of cultures): 3. MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Growth (0 = very bad, 1 = bad, 2 = good, 3 = very good): Consistency (from -2 = very soft to +2 = very rigid): Colour : Morphology: Differentiated structures (embryos, shoots, roots): 4. SPECIAL TRAITS OF THE CULTURE (give any metabolite or physiological capacity of this specific culture) 5. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF A CRYOPRESERRVATION METHOD (give only methods that have been successfully applied to this specific culture) 6. SAFETY AND REGULATORY CLASSIFICATION Is the culture free of fungi: ( ) yes ( ) no ( ) not tested bacteria: ( ) yes ( ) no ( ) not tested viruses: ( ) yes ( ) no ( ) not tested Which safety classification does the culture belong to (genetically transformed cultures may not be maintained at the moment): L1: ( ) L2: ( ) S1: ( ) S2: ( ) Restrictions for the delivery of cell cultures: The culture may be delivered without any restrictions: ( ) The culture may be delivered for research purposes only: ( ) Date: Signature: 7. REFERENCES 8. LIST OF ATTACHEMENTS Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
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