LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL LINES REFERENCE NO.: PC/1998/1/9 TITLE: REVIEW OF LABORATORY RECORD BOOKS AND PROTOCOL FORMS For recording laboratory data all staff should follow the descriptions given below. Procedure 1 Each laboratory staff member must record data relevant to the collection work in laboratory record books and/or protocol forms issued for recording experimental data. 2 The records should be presented at least monthly for review by a responsible scientist. 3 The review should ensure that all records of work are recorded appropriately with a date, title, an introduction (if appropriate), clearly laid out results and appropriate interpretation/conclusions and actions. Where a laboratory book or protocol form is used by more than one individual, each piece of recorded work should be initialled. 4 On completion, the review should be recorded on a laboratory record book review log sheet which is fixed in the front of each laboratory record book. 5 Serious or persistent non-compliance with correct laboratory record keeping should be reported by the responsible scientist in writing to the PRCLP. 6 The PRCLP should report to the head of the collection any delay of reviews supplied by any scientist within the collection. 7 When a laboratory record book is full or is to cease being used, the reviewer should authorise its removal from use and record this action in the comments column of the review log sheet. The laboratory record book is kept with the appropriate laboratory for archiving. All protocol forms are kept in the appropriate strain files. Laboratory record book review log sheet Laboratory book no. .............................................. Name(s) and Initials ............................................... Name and initials of reviewer .................................
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
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