LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PHAGES REFERENCE NO: PH/2003/01/02 TITLE: INTERNATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE COLLECTION WORK Within CABRI, each collection has to pay attention to applicable international, European and national laws and regulations. The respective international laws and regulations are shown in the following list. The texts of these laws and regulations are available at the collections. List of applicable international laws and regulations Convention on Biological Diversity 1992. In: B. E. Kirsop and D. L. Hawksworth (eds.), The Biodiversity of Microorganisms and the Role of Microbial Resource Centres, page 73-91. World Federation for Culture Collections, 1994 Universal Postal Union, Letter Post Compendium, Beijing 1999, Official compendium of general information of interest concerning the implementation of the 1995 Seoul Convention and its Detailed Regulations. International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union, Berne (The relevant chapters are reproduced in Rohde and Claus, Shipping of infectious, non-infectious and genetically modified biological materials - International regulations, 1998 edition, available from DSMZ - Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen) Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure (Budapest, April 28, 1977; amended on September 26, 1980)
prepared for CABRI by DSMZ in cooperation with NCCB and NCIMB
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