For strains requested by the collection for deposit, one of the following standard letters (examples) may be sent to the potential depositor:
Dear ................., I have noted with interest your paper on .... (species name, strain designation) ...., published in ........................... xx, xx-xx, 199x and would like to enquire as to the possibility of the strain being deposited with the .... (collection) ..... If you agree to deposit the strain I would like to ask you to fill in the enclosed Accession Form as complete as possible and send the form back to the collection at the time cultures are dispatched. For your information I have enclosed a short introduction to the functions of the ....collection...... If you would like to receive the new disk version of our catalogue, please do not hesitate to contact me. The catalogue is also available on the WWW: http://www. ... . .. /.../... . html. The address for the file transfer by FTP is ftp.... . ../.../... Thanking you for your cooperation Sincerely yours
Dear ................., I have noted with interest your paper in (... periodical, book ...) in which you published on the following strain(s): Original number Name
We would like to incorporate these strains in the ..... collection. If you agree to deposit the strain we would like to ask you to complete the enclosed Accession Form and return it together with or at the time that the culture(s) are dispatched. For your information we have enclosed a short introduction on the ... collection. We are pleased to offer you cultures in exchange. The catalogue is available on Internet: http://www. ... . ... . ... . The address for the file transfer by FTP is ftp.... . ../.../... . Thank you very much for your cooperation Sincerely yours Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, CBS and BCCM, 17 May 1998
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