All the PAC pools are stored frozen at -70oC, as cell pools, and need to be dispatched to the user on dry ice in polystyrene boxes. The orders therefore have to be assembled and packed on dry ice first thing in the morning, and taken to the office, so that the carrier can be contacted early in the day to come and collect them. Materials Polystyrene box
Primary Pools These consist of bags with 21 tubes inside. The primary pools are stored in the -70oC freezer L49, bottom shelf. On the shelf is a blue rack, with holes labelled A to U. It is important to check that each bag contains 21 tubes, labelled with each of the 21 letters from A to U. So working rapidly, as the tubes must not thaw, place the tubes in their labelled holes in the rack. When you have ascertained that the correct tubes are present, place them back in the plastic bag and place them in a polystyrene box with dry ice. It is important to ensure that there is dry ice both below and above the bag. Fill the box to the top with the dry ice. On the top of the dry ice, protected by a plastic bag, place a blue instruction sheet with (a) highlighted together with a blank request form. Place on the box lid a 'Freeze on Arrival' sticker (printed out, and stored, in the large blue PAC handouts lever arch file).
The secondary pools, for each primary pool, have been aliquotted into 96-well plates and are stored in the -70oC freezer L52 (all shelves, labelled) or L49 (pool U). The requested plates are placed in dry ice in a polystyrene box, as above.
Currently we have no robotics enabling us to provide users with rows and columns. Therefore, once a positive plate has been identified the user receives a copy of that plate, so that they can make their own rows and columns.
Fill the plates with the LB broth using the BioRobotics Colony Picker (or the Genetix QFill) Score the record sheet on the wall thus keeping an up to date record of the numbers of times that a plate has been thawed. Next day check that the plates have grown well. The plates will then need to be frozen at -70oC before dispatching to the user.
At the moment we use three different carriers, depending on where the order is to be sent:
The office will phone up the companies concerned - but give them plenty of time to do this by forewarning them that parcels will brought down, and taking the parcels as early in the day as possible. UK This is straightforward. After packing, the polystyrene box has is taken to the office together with a adequate form. On the plastic bag label you have to complete the address of the user, and tick the next day delivery box before 12 noon. Both the plastic bag label and the forms are stored in the filing cabinet drawer. Also place a "freeze on arrival" sticker (printed out, and stored, in the large blue PAC handouts lever arch file) on the top of the box. NB: the form has space for sending out to six different addresses, so you do not need individual forms if you are sending more than one parcel. EUROPE This is not straightforward. It is important that the parcels are taken to the office before 10am. However package the box in the normal way, take to the office and all the extensive forms that are required are there. The weight of dry ice has to be entered, for the standard size polystyrene box this is 3 Kg. The box also requires a class 9 diamond shaped sticker. Also place a "freeze on arrival" sticker (printed out, and stored, in the large blue PAC handouts lever arch file) on the top of the box. America We are unlikely to be sending many PAC requests to the USA but if we do the procedure is the same as for Europe with all the forms in the office.
Materials LB agar + kanamycin poured as slopes or colony picking plates
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by HGMP, December 1998
© The CABRI Consortium 1999 -