CABRI HyperCatalogue

CABRI HyperCatalogue is maintained by Paolo Romano.



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Sorted by name

NameCollection Number
p(Gal4)2-50huIL6P-luc+ LMBP 4734
p(GRE)2-50huIL6P-luc+ LMBP 4133
p(IL6kB)3-50huIL6P-luc+ LMBP 4735
p(T5CkB)3-50huIL6P-luc+ LMBP 4802
p110huIL6P-luc+ LMBP 4693
p1168hIL6m3AP1-luc+ LMBP 4492
p1168hIL6m5AP1-luc+ LMBP 4500
p1168hIL6mC/EBP-luc+ LMBP 4498
p1168hIL6mCRE-C/EBP-luc+ LMBP 4497
p1168hIL6mCRE-luc+ LMBP 4499
p1168hIL6mETS-luc+ LMBP 4491
p1168hIL6mGATA-luc+ LMBP 4493
p1168hIL6mIgkB-luc+ LMBP 4736
p1168hIL6mNFkB-luc+ LMBP 4496
p1168huIL6P-luc+ LMBP 4495
p1168IgmutSal LMBP 4906
p1300rp2/bgla LMBP 9140
p1300rp2/egfp LMBP 9139
p220.2 LMBP 1966
p220.2MxCAT or.1 LMBP 4522
p220.2MxCAT or.2 LMBP 4523
p220.2Mxh5-HT1B or.1 LMBP 4524
p220.2Mxh5-HT1B or.2 LMBP 4525
p220.2tetluc LMBP 4528
p234huIL6P-luc+ LMBP 4694
p35S:16xBoxB-Gateway-BASTA LMBP 9017
p35S:6xMS2-Gateway-BASTA LMBP 9026
p3SR2 LMBP 2363
p413-Y/CFP-C for N LMBP 9738
p413-YFP-N for N LMBP 9734
p413GAL1 LMBP 4020
p413GALL LMBP 4028
p413GALS LMBP 4036
p413MET25 LMBP 4012
p414GAL1 LMBP 4022
p414GALL LMBP 4030
p414GALS LMBP 4038
p414MET25 LMBP 4014
p415-CFP-N for C LMBP 9735
p415-YFP-N for C LMBP 9736
p415GAL1 LMBP 4024
p415GALL LMBP 4032
p415GALLmBAX LMBP 4575
p415GALS LMBP 4040
p415MET25 LMBP 4016
p416-Y/CFP-C for N LMBP 9737
p416-YFP-N for N LMBP 9733
p416GAL1 LMBP 4026
p416GALL LMBP 4034
p416GALS LMBP 4042
p416MET25 LMBP 4018
p423GAL1 LMBP 4021
p423GALL LMBP 4029
p423GALS LMBP 4037
p423MET25 LMBP 4013
p424GAL1 LMBP 4023
p424GALL LMBP 4031
p424GALS LMBP 4039
p424MET25 LMBP 4015
p425GAL1 LMBP 4025
p425GALL LMBP 4033
p425GALLmBAX LMBP 4576
p425GALS LMBP 4041
p425MET25 LMBP 4017
p426GAL1 LMBP 4027
p426GALL LMBP 4035
p426GALS LMBP 4043
p426MET25 LMBP 4019
p50huIL6P-luc+ LMBP 4692
p714 LMBP 2241
p9HP1B5B12 LMBP 2794

Last revised:
February 2023

© The CABRI Consortium 1999 - 2023
This work cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the CABRI consortium.